The cost of hand injuries in just one sector of the construction industry is unfortunately six times what it would cost those employers to offer every employee appropriate hand protection. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stated that hand injuries account for 1,080,000 emergency department visits by workers per year in the United States. In fact, more than 110,000 days-away-from-work are due to hand and finger lacerations. These statistics are second only to back strain and sprain injury. The Center for Construction Research and Training (CPWR) funded a study that put together the causes of nonfatal injuries in construction workers, and this study of almost 3,000 injury cases showed that two out of three injured workers were young, below age 40. The leading cause of injury in this study was contact with cutting or piercing objects, most often pieces of metal, razors and knives, power tools and nails. Fingers and hands were the most injured body parts among the construction workers in this study, making up a third of emergency room visits. Read on to learn more about the importance of proper safety gloves for your roofing company employees. Call Certified Roofers & General Contractors, Inc. at our Valrico office for roof repair Riverview FL residents trust today!

The Cost Of Not Wearing Gloves
BLS, the National Safety Council, the American Road and Transportation Builders Association, and the International Safety Equipment Association compiled figures showing that road constructors pay $48 million more for hand injuries each year than the $8.3 million it would cost them to equip all 574,000 of their hazard-exposed workers with protective globes. Even though conceding that wearing abrasion and laceration-resistant gloves will not protect against every potential hand injury, officials like ISEA president Dan Shipp will note that the data suggests that road construction companies are spending a whole lot more to cover the costs of hand injuries every year than they would pay to equip their workers properly and ensure that they are wearing their gloves when they need them. Wearing gloves will decrease the risk of hand injury from lacerations and punctures, but may not protect from crushing injuries, fractures, avulsions, or amputations. Studies have shown that wearing gloves reduce the relative risk of injury by 60 percent, and workers report that they had worn gloves for only 27 percent of the work time, and only 19 percent reported wearing gloves at the time of the injury.
We Are A Top Roofing Company
Certified Roofers & General Contractors, Inc., a top provider of roof repair Riverview FL residents trust, notes that numerous developments in glove manufacturing have made wearing gloves more attractive and convenient. A new generation of lighter weight, ergonomically designed gloves have replaced traditional bulky leath and polymer workhorse gloves. Our workers find flat-dipped, lightly coated gloves much more comfortable and attractive due to their dexterity, which cuts down on hand fatigue.
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Certified Roofers & General Contractors, Inc. is a top provider of roof repair Riverview FL residents trust. Call our roofing company in Valrico today!