Roofers Near Me

The Best Roof Cleaning Tips for You

In order to make sure that your home and roof are in top shape it is important that you know how to properly handle roof cleaning. If you aren’t sure what the best ways are to clean your roof it is critical that your turn to the expert roofers in Brandon, FL for advice! The professionals at Certified Roofers & General Contractors, Inc. in Lithia take the time to sit down with you and go over your roof and what it specifically needs to maintain a strong life and stay clean. Keep reading for some of the top tips!

The Best Roof Cleaning Tips

If you’ve noticed that your shingles are no longer attractive or look new than chances are you may be in need of a good cleaning. If this is the case you should look for roofers in Brandon, FL who can help you figure out exactly what you need. If there are dark or discolored areas on your roof you might automatically assume that there is mold present, but the black streaks are really colonies of blue-green algae.However, if you are seeing patches that are thick and green than you have a moss problem on your hands that needs to be handled by professionals. The shady spots on your roof are the ones that are most susceptible to this problem. Algae doesn’t exactly cause any structural problems with your roof, but they make it less attractive. 

When you’re cleaning your roof it is critical that you don’t use a pressure washer because it can loosen your shingles and cause significant damage to your roof. When you need to get water up there to clean you want to attach a sprayer to your regular garden house. The sprayer should be filled with equal parts bleach and water. It is vital that you use laundry strength liquid bleach so it doesn’t cause any discoloration to your roof. If you have asphalt shingles this is the best cleaning method for you. Once you spray the mixture allow it to sit on the roof for about 15 to 20 minutes before you rinse it off with clean water. If you’re using a bleach solution you need to make sure that you are paying attention to other plants and flowed in the area because they can get ruined from the bleach solution you’re using on the roof. You want to make sure that you cover them with plastic before you start spraying them solution. Also, make sure to spray them with water before covering them up. Another thing to keep in mind is that using this solution isn’t going to miraculously remove the growth from your roof. It is going to take some time for that to happen. 

Contact Roofers in Brandon, FL

Certified Roofers & General Contractors, Inc. is a leading group of roofing contractors in the Lithia area. We specialize in helping our customers find the right roof cleaning for their home and style. Our experts will take the time to sit down and speak with you before showing you any products. This is what makes us a top choice for roof repair. Call or visit us today!

Certified Roofers & General Contractors, Inc.

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